Between August 7 – 10 in Calgary, NEB Inspection Officers and IAMC Indigenous Monitors attended a joint training session focusing on NEB compliance verification processes and associated legislation.
This training marked an exciting kick-off to the IAMC Indigenous Monitoring Program, which involves Indigenous Monitors working side-by-side with NEB Inspection Officers during NEB compliance verification activities.
Over the course of 4 days, Indigenous Monitors and NEB Inspection Officers were provided an introduction to the IAMC Terms of Reference, compliance verification, the NEB legislative framework and regulatory approach, inspection processes, and the 89 Conditions specific to the L3RP. The workshop format provided an opportunity for Indigenous Monitors and Inspection Officers to discuss their backgrounds and priorities, and to establish a shared understanding of their complementary roles during compliance verification.
While Inspection Officers and Indigenous Monitors focused on the practical details of the L3RP’s Conditions, regulations, and plans, IAMC Members and NEB representatives had the opportunity to discuss the broader policies and procedures surrounding the Indigenous Monitoring Program. The processes for Indigenous Monitor reporting and issues management were discussed and workshopped in this group.
Further training focused on Indigenous perspectives and the application of traditional knowledge in monitoring activities is being developed by the Committee for early fall.