Indigenous Monitoring Program

To enable Indigenous Nations to participate in the oversight of the Line 3 Replacement Program, the Committee is supporting First Nations and Métis Monitors to work side-by-side with Canada Energy Regulator (CER) Inspection Officers during CER compliance verification activities.

The program is building capacity in the CER to better understand and incorporate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into the monitoring of energy infrastructure, as well as in Indigenous Nations to conduct environmental and safety monitoring.

The program is being delivered through partnerships with several Indigenous Nations and organizations who are responsible for employing, training, equipping, and supporting the Indigenous Monitors.

Each Indigenous Monitor has the opportunity to engage with local communities and Nations, including Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers, near the inspection sites.

Links to daily reports filed by the IAMC Indigenous Monitors can be found here:

Fiscal Year 2020-21
Fiscal Years 2018-19 and 2019-20
