Line 3 Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee

Who We Are

Committee Members

Committee members were selected by leadership and they work constructively with the federal government and the Canada Energy Regulator, collaborating on how to deliver the transition from colonial ways of regulating to co-developing new ways, while keeping independence to prioritize the needs of Nations.

The Committee is composed of 16 members

  • 3 First Nations and 1 Métis Nation representatives from Alberta
  • 6 First Nations and 2 Métis Nation representatives from Saskatchewan
  • 3 First Nations and 1 Métis Nation representatives from Manitoba
  • 1 senior representative from Natural Resources Canada
  • 1 senior representative from the Canada Energy Regulator
Indigenous Caucus

Chief Matthew T. Peigan

Pasqua First Nation
Indigenous Caucus

Kyra Northwest

Montana First Nation
Indigenous Co-Chair

Richard Aisaican

Cowessess First Nation
Indigenous Caucus

Barb Hobson

Swan Lake First Nation
Indigenous Caucus

Kirk Poitras

Métis Nation – Alberta
Indigenous Caucus

Minister Marg Friesen

Métis Nation – Saskatchewan
Indigenous Caucus

Mike Sutherland

Peguis First Nation
Indigenous Caucus

Marci Riel

Manitoba Métis Federation
Indigenous Caucus

Don Ross

George Gordon First Nation
Indigenous Caucus

Tribal Chief Isabel O’Soup

Yorkton Tribal Council
Indigenous Caucus

Tribal Chief Mark Arcand

Saskatoon Tribal Council
Indigenous Caucus

Colbi Kuppenbender

Métis Nation – Saskatchewan
Indigenous Caucus

Bradley Swiftwolfe

Moosomin First Nation
Indigenous Caucus

Melvin Abraham

Alberta First Nations
Indigenous Caucus Support

Jennifer Wolfe

Muskowekwan First Nation
Federal Co-Chair

Anita Kuipers

Natural Resources Canada
Federal Representative

Michelle Wilsdon

Canada Energy Regulator
Our Role

The role of the Line 3 IAMC

  • The Line 3 IAMC is dedicated to improving and contributing to transforming the regulatory system governing energy projects in Canada.
  • By maintaining an ongoing dialogue with First Nations and Métis Nation, the Committee aims to ensure your perspectives and voices shape this transformation.

What is NOT our role?

  • The Line 3 IAMC does not have control over funding or economic development.
  • The Line 3 IAMC is not, and does not intend to be, a rights-holding body. It serves rights-holders.
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Our Work

The Line 3 IAMC has four subcommittees to advance the priorities of the committee.


The Operations Subcommittee oversees the Line 3 IAMC's core functions, including budgeting and resource allocation.

Emergency Management

The Line 3 IAMC Emergency Management Subcommittee supports Indigenous involvement in emergency preparedness and offers resources to help navigate emergency response.

Communication and Engagement

The Line 3 IAMC prioritizes engaging impacted Indigenous Nations in its efforts to enhance regulatory oversight, communicating through newsletters, reports, and events.

Indigenous Monitoring and Training

The Subcommittee engages Indigenous peoples in oversight and builds training opportunities for impacted Nations.


The Line 3 Committee host several gatherings, engagement sessions, and training events.

Line-Wide Gatherings

The Line-Wide Gathering is an opportunity to hear updates and engage on the work of the Line 3 IAMC.

Regional Engagement Sessions

Engagement sessions continue to provide Indigenous Nations with information about the Committee’s work.


The Line 3 IAMC offers opportunities throughout the year for training to support capacity-building in Nations and increase Indigenous participation in regulatory oversight.

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